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Check this page often for news about important program updates, training opportunities, and educational information.
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New Secure Website Feature – Text (SMS) Message for User Account Management

The CMS’ RDS Center would like to announce a new text (SMS) message feature has been added to improve the RDS Secure Website login process.

New Secure Website Feature - My RDS Email

A new “My RDS Email” feature is now live in the RDS Secure Website. The My RDS Email page displays the history of email sent to you by CMS’ RDS Center.

Changes to RDS Public Website URLs

The RDS Public Website will be updated on Thursday, October 12, 2023. As part of this update, there will be global updates to website URLs. If you use links, bookmarks, or favorites to access the RDS Public Website, please make sure to update them. Please note that any hyperlinks to RDS Public Website pages contained in RDS program emails sent prior to October 12, 2023, will no longer be valid and may redirect to the RDS Public Website homepage.

Coming in January 2024 – Changes to the Mandatory Payment Reduction in CMS’ RDS Payments

Beginning in January 2024, CMS’ RDS Center will implement an update to the sequestration policy, whereby the mandatory two percent (2%) payment reduction will be applied at each interim payment request rather than applying the reduction only to the final payment. 

New RDS Reason Codes Are Now Active

On September 1, 2023, CMS’ RDS Center implemented two new Reason Codes to communicate RDS eligibility information during retiree data transfers. These codes will support the conditions defined in 42 CFR § 423.4.

New Technical Article: Timing of User Role Reassignments

CMS’ RDS Center has published a new Technical Article, Reassigning the Authorized Representative (AR) and Account Manager (AM) Roles. This article contains critical information to keep in mind when changing your Plan Sponsor representatives.

Coming Next Week! New RDS Reason Codes Starting 9/1/2023

One week from today, on Friday, September 1, 2023, CMS’ RDS Center will implement two new Reason Codes that will be used to communicate RDS eligibility information during retiree data transfers. These codes will support the conditions defined in 42 CFR § 423.4. 

New SWS Feature: Verify Your Registered User Information During Login

Beginning today, August 3, 2023, CMS’ RDS Center will require users of the RDS Secure Website (SWS) to periodically verify their Registered User Information in order to provide consistent, accurate information and uninterrupted access to the system.

Coming Soon – Changes to the Mandatory Payment Reduction in CMS’ Retiree Drug Subsidy Payments

In the coming months, CMS’ RDS Center will implement an update to the sequestration policy, whereby the mandatory two percent (2%) payment reduction will be applied at each interim payment request rather than applying the reduction only to the final payment.

*UPDATED 8/30/2023* RDS CMS EFT System Maintenance – Plan Ahead!

**UPDATED 8/30/2023** The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Enterprise File Transfer (EFT) system will undergo maintenance every weekend included between Saturday, July 28, 2023, through Tuesday, September 5, 2023.