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Effective Immediately: Change of Address for Sending an Overpayment Remittance

The address for sending an overpayment remittance to CMS' RDS Center has changed. Effective immediately, Plan Sponsors are to remit payment by sending a check or money order, made payable to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, to the following address:

Retiree Drug Subsidy Center
P.O. Box 7247
Philadelphia, PA 19170-0000

This address is for overpayment remittance only. No other correspondence received at this address will be considered. This information has been updated on the Contact Us page and in the Satisfy an Overpayment section of the RDS User Guide. Instructions for satisfying an overpayment are also detailed in overpayment communications sent from CMS' RDS Center.

If you need more information, contact CMS' RDS Center.

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